Friday, July 10, 2009

Culture and Skill

I went a generation back and peeped into the fulcrum of relationships to understand how they were more enduring and stronger than they are today.

I guess, they lived a life which was blend with a lot of cultural nourishment from the roots. It helped them to appreciate and respect the other persons views, look at them with sensitivity and to understand one's feelings well. As long as you can really understand the other persons position with all his/her positives and negatives you would be more empowered to sympathize. From this point on whatever you talk would definitely represent a true sense of welfare and not one which is biased with motto. Its so important here that, you dont use the knowledge to say something which will make efforts to secure your ego.

Pampering your ego is not the bone of contention when you want to really help someone or build a strong relationship.

Conclusion: Since we are missing the cultures from our education, system and nourishment today the basic courtersies like respecting others, being supportive, fostering strong relationships has become such high level of skilled task. What has been so naturally happening so far has become a big thing of wonder.

Let me know your views.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Understanding - Does it bring pain or relief

It's pretty tricky, right ???

Yeah, the general thought is thought when you understand something well, it provides you with more information so that you are clear why something is happening or not. But thats about the physics or mechanical outcome.

At the mental level.. how are you going to manage the result of not getting something ?

Its difficult / not difficult. Not difficult when you are not so much in need of the thing you are loosing but very difficult when its very critical that you have the positive outcome.

For example, you need a small help / info / advise which you know that some body can give you but if it does not come at the time you require or after reasonable amount patience you feel depressed. The sad part is you cannot even show your frustration on anyone since it will further hamper any chances of getting help. So what to do.... go on pleading !! If yes, how much and is it going to get you the result you want... what happens to your ego. It gets hurt and starts bleeding.

Despite all this, still you need the help / info in time else your work / progess is halted... and when you cannot afford to see it halted ???

I have no idea to answer this.. and living with it at this moment and struggling on my own.. to get going. The philosophy to keep up the will power / determination is all good .. but cant get you the help / info you are looking for. So whats the good thing about it... It keeps you in the direction to get the result ... a little late may be... There may be some loss because of the delay..

But thats how its at the moment.